I have left of my duties to serve Lord Armadyl. He has beckoned his champions and I answered. So much in my mind. Do I really get to see my lord in person? What to say? Am I even worthy for him? I have so many questions. I hope he sees me at least or looks at me.
Day 2
I have arrived at the camp where Armadyl is. I have spoken some of the Avienansies and well, I was so nervous. Some even told me my name was close to Armadyl's champion, Kree'arra. I only told them that was the name I was given and didn't want to mock any of them. They seemed acceptable about it. Many just call me Kree these days. Just to clear the confusion. I'm just so happy to be about.
Day 3
Finally! I saw my lord! He was glorious and so, I don't know really. Just seeing him in person is something. I had so many questions, but asking a god is not my thing. I stayed away asking like others. But one of the Aviensies approached me and asked me, why I didn't ask the Lord. I told them I was nervous and scared. They told me they would relay my question to him. I'm so nervous even after I gave my question. What does my lord think about me? I doubt he would even want to see me. But I hope I do.