I died again, I couldn't believe my luck.
"Here's your gear back, go train on a duck."
"Hilarious, do you have any advice?"
"Wear earmuffs next time, their shrieks won't be precise."
It's been a few weeks since that fateful day.
I took Elvarg’s head like it was child's play.
I was happy because Sarah was impressed.
"Obtaining a whip should be your next quest."
I made my money by picking the flax field.
It was hours before affording a granite shield.
I even spun the flax into string.
I was so rich, I might as well be king!
With my profit from crafting, I bought a dragon axe.
I started chopping yew trees, finally time to relax.
The money was easy, I made it with a grin.
I even had a date with Sarah, in the Blue Moon Inn.
I sold all my gear and bought my abbysal whip.
Little did I know, I bought something I couldn't equip
I asked Sarah what to do, I was so confused.
She told me not to worry "It was probably misused."
"Your whip might be broken, let me repair it for you."
It's funny looking back, I thought that was true.
I traded her my whip and she teleported away.
To show her my application, I bought her a bouquet
Where did she take my whip, my heart began to throb.
Wait, wait, I know. She's in Lumbridge, talking to Bob.
It was getting dark and getting very cold
As I begin to realize, my whip has been sold.
I was a fool, why did I trust someone.
But what's worse is, I didn't have anyone.
No friends, no date, or even someone to hug.
I went to the Blue moon Inn, and began to chug.
20-Nov-2017 15:51:27