
Shattered Heart's Story.

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Hey guy's ive been doing the Shattered Heart D&D for a while now and i thought what awesome story it is, incomplete as it may be (only small bit of lore is released) so i took it upon myself to create the full story of the Statues of how i thought the story w
ould play out and here it is.. enjoy leave feedback or give me your theories.


Shattered Heart's

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15-Oct-2014 00:43:22 - Last edited on 15-Oct-2014 20:14:27 by Azros

Aug Member 2023


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Hello fellow adventures. My name is Azlordros, I shall inscribe here the tale of the Shattered Hearts.

It all started with my adventures in the elven lands when we finally regrew the lost city of Prifddians, within i met an apprentice
who asked me to collect golden rock's while training in the traditions of all the elven families, and so many months after training
i brought back the last of the rocks and the golden statue turned to life in front of my eyes, a beautiful elven lady lost in time.
But our story begins when i met her a second time within the max gardens she sensed something about me she waved for me to come to her and out
of intrest i obliged as i got nearer she pointed towards my bag, i thought it a bit odd for all that was in there was a strange rock,
i took the rock out of my bag and held it in front of this strange lady, her hand shivering a few inches above the stone and a single tear
fell down her cheek and for the first time in her freedom she spoke and this is no tale to overlook!

Hello Azlordros, I never did thank you for freeing me, My name is Rhiannon, Rhiannon Cadarn. I have been with my own thoughts for what seems to be
several life spans, I watched as the world around me changed, my family mourning my loss and reflecting on my last day. The terrible deed i did...

I'm sorry Adventure...Let me tell you my tale you deserve at least that.

It all began Ages ago, to my understanding it was the Second age. I was born into a wealthy and gifted family who's traditions of range and magic was un-matched within elven society. My father was one of the Family Lords, King Baxtorian and my Mother was of course Queen Glarial. I was born not far from the Arandar Mountains in a Gnome Kingdom.
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15-Oct-2014 00:46:57

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I was named Rhiannon, My mother told me of how the Moon glew on the night of my birth, the brightest it's even been and so this was the meaning of my name "The Moon Blessed Princess", Oh how much i miss them, Her songs, His poems they always made the dark days brighter.
I'm sorry Adventure let me continue.
I grew up along side other Elves and Gnomes befriending both in my childhood however my bestfriend was a gnome named Hazel, she was odd even by gnome standards always seeking the warmth, she often dreamt of traveling the world and one day settling down on her own island somewhere warm and sunny.
Hazel and i both shared a deep love of nature, As the relations between Elven kind and Gnomes grew so did our understanding of nature and magic, as a young girl i was taught by both Elves and Gnomes, i learnt a lot in those early years but when i was Ten years old my father decided it was time to visit the humans due east, I will not lie, i was excited to leave and discover more of our world but the thought of leaving my dear friend behind saddened me greatly but my Mother made a promise, one she kept even after my last day... She would let me write a letter each week and she personally would have sung it into the air and with her power carry it to my dear friend, I had my doubts for that week, I thought it was just a ruse to settle me down but my doubts died on the fifth day for a letter addressed to me was brought to our camp by a Gnome carrier, My mother's song carried my message all the way to Hazel's ears, she described in her letter of how she was asleep but she could hear the song, it soothed her until i appeared in her dreams and told her my message. My mother never did tell me the secret of how to do this but i always tried my best to recreate it but until then my mother gracefully sent my messages.
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15-Oct-2014 00:47:16

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Many years passed as we traveled east i was in my fifteenth year and it was the beginning of spring, Our family returned to Prifddinas for a year before heading to a Human city. Humans do not live as long as we do but they are friendly and share a kinship to us.
We reached the city outskirts in the early morning, the mist slowly sweeping away as our carriage rolled through. It was this morning when my eyes first set sights on him... *gulp* .. He looked the same age as I, I could see him as clear as daylight, His eye's curiously gazing at our carriages, He jumped off his wall and started running towards us down a hill i was in awe for his eyes were fixed upon my carriage but yet he did not stand on one single flower or branch, his legs finally caught up to us his eyesight now able to take in everything he stood next to a large oak tree giving off a gentle wave to the guards, it was then his sight rested upon me his arm frozen within the air, his eyes did not move even with the wind blowing, I didn't know what feelings i had then but i now know i had feelings for him that first encounter, I'll always remember of how my heart fluttered about my chest like a butterfly.... If only we weren't blinded...If only I'd of set aside my greed.... then maybe things would of turned out differently... Ahh Dahmaroc... I am sorry.
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15-Oct-2014 00:47:34

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Ahh welcome back Adventure, I'd like to apologise about our last encounter.. The emotions were too much.
But my tale...where were we?...Ah yes...the boy.
It was three days in our new home before i was officially introduced to him, My parents and the nobles of our family were meeting with the human king however i was to young to join them so i decided to go out and explore my new home the buildings made out of wood a lot different from the gnome's homes, their pathways made up of tiny rocks crushing the earth beneath their feet, they cared not for the earth and the life force of nature..something in my heart knew that the anima in this kingdom was low it almost felt as if nature itself begged me to help it but sadly i did not understand this at the time. The city was still beautiful however unlike any of the settlements i've seen before i felt connected to this place somehow, i knew i would discover something within its empire, but never in my dreams did i think it would be him... He stood within the markets buying bread and water from the merchants, he soon began to leave the busy square and i decided to pursue i was so overwhelmed by him as if every time he got future from me my body forced itself closer on his way out he saw a woman and her child he did something i couldn't quite make out but he left and i followed, As i walked past the woman i couldn't help but notice she was feeding a small slice of bread to her infant son, i knew then that this mystery boy cared for strangers, i felt his generosity in my heart.
I followed him for a hour that day until finally i lost sight in the farmlands, i looked in every direction but my elven eyes could not see him, perhaps i had lost his sight back in the city or perhaps he was just apart of my imagination so i walked towards a large oak tree sat down at it's base and began to watch the sun set.
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15-Oct-2014 00:47:52 - Last edited on 15-Oct-2014 01:27:01 by Azros

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"Beautiful aint it?" a voice shook from the tree, i jumped and looked thinking this was one of the grand spirit trees the gnomes befriended but it was not.
"You can see it better from up here" the voice came from high up in the tree and so i followed it, sitting on a large branch was the boy...the branch itself formed as if it was creating a seat for two..
"Hello" i said gently smiling, the boy looking at me directly into my eyes but he did not say a word.
"Yes the sunset is beautiful" i replied again, but his glare turned to a quizzed face.
"I suppose it is" he then replied as a bird flew away from his side chirping it was in that moment i knew he was not speaking about the sunset.
"My name is Dahmaroc.." he replied once again pating his hand on the branch next to him, i openly accepted the seat and we sat there watching the sky turn orange then black, we shared the odd glance to each other before quickly retreating our heads. The moon grew bigger in the sky, we watched the stars and we listened to natures song it was then he laid his hand atop of mine it felt magical, i had no care in the world and in that moment of beauty a single glowing star fell across the moon... I knew that this was the moment that was calling me here, I knew that i had met a new friend and i often thought it was something more.
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15-Oct-2014 00:48:07

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As the years went on our friendship grew and so did our feelings for one another, my mother warned me about the lifespans of humans and that it was not a good idea to let my feelings grow...i did try to stop meeting Dahmaroc i stayed away from him for a whole month pretending i was sick but the longer i stayed away my body began to grow sick i began to develop a fever it was then my mother told me than we were eternally bound to one another both her and my father granted me their blessing to follow my heart.. We went on many adventures, shared our understandings of magic and nature but it was on a trip east where we felt it...we both sensed a great amount of power beneath our feet in this land, I put my hands gently into the soil sensing every movement made by the bugs in the earth and it was then i felt it something hollow buried in the ground. Dahmaroc dug into the earth carefully so he could restore it but we found a great treasure that day a casket it seemed to be made out of nature itself, Dahmaroc suggested he take it home and try to open it as i had a family gathering that night.
I told my mother of the mystery casket that night she seemed puzzled and suggested it was just a old tree but we knew there was more to it.
As my family gathered for my twentieth year the celebrations began, an hour into the party i saw Dahmaroc outside one of the windows he was waving for me to follow him and of course i rushed to do so.
"My dear Rhiannon, i've known you now for five years and today on your birthday i would like to give you a gift" his eyes seemed brighter and in awe that night.
"Follow me back to my house" we both got on horseback and rode to his house deep within the woods, as we reached the doorstep i felt it...
"Dahmaroc what is this?" i could sense a great power behind the door it was similar to the power i felt when my mother used to send my messages.
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15-Oct-2014 00:48:23

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"I give to you a gift from the gods..." he opened the door rushed me inside and there sitting in the centre of the room was the casket laying opened, i was so nervous to look inside but the curiosity inside forced me to, inside sat piles of tiny stones each having a sign of elements on them others having signs ive never seen before.
"Dahmaroc their....their beautiful....what are they?" He explained to me of his god of nature and how he gifted his ancestors with the tools to create magic and these tiny stones in front of me on this day were the very tools he gifted.
This casket was probably the last stock of runes left in the world but of course we did not know this at the time.. we were just too excited to explore this new form of magic. For years we practiced trying to master them, sometimes Dahmaroc would burn down a tree but he always found a way to restore it other times i'd turn our supplies into other form of items and left us starved for days but we embraced and we learned...oh those early years....they were wonderful....they...they were magic...but we did not know....the greed in our hearts....we just wanted to help in our own ways.....if only....
I'm sorry Adventure but i would like to rest now please return another time.
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15-Oct-2014 00:48:38

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Welcome back Adventure... I dreamt of him...of Dahmaroc...a statue...broken and scattered...what could it mean...
Back to my story i guess.
Three years passed since the day we discovered the runes, our mastery over this kind of magic was unmatched together we were able to create new spells, oh how wonderful it was... when we ran out of money for supplies Dahmaroc would turn nature into solid gold and sell it on and when we were camping i would create a camp out of the very earth it was wonderful we both had our own dreams on what to do with this new magic but we always worked together.
It was late winter when Dahmaroc woke out of his sleep wanting to create a magical cape for us both but he wanted no ordinary cape this cape was to only be worn by those who truly deserve to wear it and i suppose in his mind he meant only us, We shared a link you see adventure one that connected our souls at times we could sense what each other thought but neither of us had any control over it and neither can i explain it.
Our quest to create the cape started when spring arrived i began weaving fabrics together while Dahmaroc choose certain runes to place into sockes to form a sort of ritual marking when it was finally done Dahmaroc asked for my aid to create the spell that would activate the runes and make the cape bound to us, This was our biggest experiment to create a spell that would make an item soulbound...what a feat eh... however it did not work as either of us had hoped...the cape that was onced cream turned blood red dripping onto the floor before finally turning to a pool of blood it was a horrible sight to behold...but this did not stop us...we learnt from it the blood rune infused with our blood would was to much for the fabric and it overpowered the other runes.
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15-Oct-2014 00:48:51

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We created around twentyfive more capes all failures some would explode, some would severely wound us, some would even transform us into creatures for days on end...they were scary days but we had learnt so much...we would not give up... I would'**...I wanted his dream to come true.
We finally decided to use the rare magic tree's, we both sew their leaves together infusing thin layers of its bark between. The cape itself was beautiful by it self but we both wanted it to be only ours... I guess this is where it all started....the greed...two souls joined together for all eternity, that amount of emotions linked i'm not surprised it eventually found a way to escape. With the base of the cape created we used previous versions and added their best featured to it, the magic tree's essence lived on it absorbed each idea we had but it would not accept our runes, this was our problem we tried for months but could not combined them Dahmaroc was saddened he saw his dream die just as he was so close...i could feel it...that night as he slept i took some of the powerful runes from the casket i studied each of them, I thought: what if i could combine runes, This was the answer two souls forever linked, one blood that flows through two veins, four elements of the world we live on.
Dahmaroc could hear my thoughts, he felt how i was carelessly combining runes together forming unknown power thats when he awoke and tried to convince me to stop.. He tried to convince me that it was okay..that it was only a dream...but at that moment i couldnt give up so he did what he had to, he flew himself around me a hugged me and whispered "let it go, my dream is to be with you my love." my arms fell helpless around him but thats the one act that finally created the cape... i knocked a pile of runes over, they fell with such force onto the others i set out, our tears falling to the floor... A huge flash of light blew all around our house, the cape floating un moving in the air...
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15-Oct-2014 00:49:20

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