
Your First Story

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Welcome, I’m Capt Chekaka, but you can call me Capt or Chek.
Now, this is one of my most successful threads in the Stories Forum. Although I created this, Poller5 has also assisted in forming the idea, and he had the original thought of a guide for the forum. However, let’s get on with the thread.
“Your First Story” is a guide to writing a strong story on the Stories Forum. Every category that is to be discussed here, thoroughly, is outlined below. Newer authors can come to this whenever they need to get some advice on a certain subject regarding their story. Many of the commoners to the Stories Forum have given their time to help forge this guide, and we all have hope that it will be successful.
Welcome to the guide.

-=- Table of Contents -=-
Page One:
Post 1: Introduction and Table of Contents
Post 2: Table of Contents
Post 3: Thread and Stories Forum News
Post 4: List of Completion
Post 5: Prose Stories – The Basics
Post 6: Noob Stories – The Basics
Post 7: True Stories – The Basics
Post 8: Reviewers – The Basics
Post 9: Good Threads To Visit
Post 10: Good Threads To Visit
Page Two:
Post 11: Plot - An Overview
Post 12: Plot - Twists
Post 13: Plot - Twists
Post 14: Plot - Scene Changes
Post 15: Plot - Flashbacks
Post 16: Plot - Flashbacks
Post 17: Plot - Structure
Post 18: Plot FAQ
Post 19: Reserved
Post 20: Reserved
Page Three:
Post 21: Characters - An Overview
Post 22: Characters - Protagonists
Post 23: Characters - Antagonists
Post 24: Characters - Antagonists
Post 25: Characters - Supporting and Character Desires
Post 26: Characters - Desires
Post 27: Characters - Emotions
Post 28: Characters - Needs
Post 29: Characters - Needs
Post 30: Characters FAQ

03-Jun-2008 22:09:26 - Last edited on 12-Jun-2009 18:39:09 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Page Four:
Post 31: Description – An Overview
Post 32: Description – Characters
Post 33: Description – Surroundings
Post 34: Description – Mood
Post 35: Description – Variation of Colors
Post 36: Description – Emphasis
Post 37: Flow
Post 38: Flow
Post 39: Flow
Post 40: Description and Flow FAQ
Page Five:
Post 41: Mechanics – Grammar
Post 42: Mechanics – Grammar
Post 43: Mechanics – Grammar
Post 44: Mechanics – Spelling
Post 45: Mechanics – Vocabulary
Post 46: Mechanics – Vocabulary
Post 47: Mechanics – Vocabulary
Post 48: Mechanics FAQ
Post 49: Reserved
Post 50: Reserved
Page Six:
Post 51: General Comedy – The Tools
Post 52: Prose Comedy - An Overview
Post 53: Prose Comedy
Post 54: Prose Comedy
Post 55: Prose Comedy FAQ
Post 56: Scripted Comedy - An Overview
Post 57: Scripted Comedy
Post 58: Scripted Comedy
Post 59: Scripted Comedy FAQ
Post 60: Reserved
Page Seven:
Post 61: Originality
Post 62: Originality
Post 63: Originality FAQ
Post 64: The World (Location) – An Overview
Post 65: Manipulating The World
Post 66: Manipulating The World
Post 67: The World FAQ
Post 68: Short Stories
Post 69: Short Stories
Post 70: Short Stories
Page Eight:
Post 71: Tragedy
Post 72: Tragedy
Post 73: Tragedy (Insight by Englishkid62)
Post 74: Romance
Post 75: Romance
Post 76: Romance and Tragedy FAQ
Post 77: Horror
Post 78: Horror
Post 79: Horror
Post 80: Horror FAQ
Page Nine:
Post 81: Poetry - Elevation of the Soul
Post 82: Poetry
Post 83: Poetry
Post 84: Poetry
Post 85: Poetry FAQ
Post 86: Guilds - An Overview
Post 87: Guilds
Post 88: Guilds
Post 89: Guilds FAQ
Post 90: Reserved
Page Ten:
Post 91: Contests
Post 92: Contests
Post 93: Contests FAQ
Post 94: Reserved
Post 95: Reserved
Post 96: Miscellaneous - Dialogue Options
Post 97: Miscellaneous - Biographies
Post 98: Miscellaneous (Reserved)
Post 99: Miscellaneous (Reserved)
Post 100: Reserved

03-Jun-2008 22:10:37 - Last edited on 28-Dec-2008 23:00:00 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-=- Thread and Stories Forum News -=-
- Seemingly unstickied for no reason. Comments will come in time.
- Chuklz has reposted "The Collection" under his control. Check it out at 49-50-686-58478891.
- Mod Craddock has posted Fargrist's sticky, and added three new scrolls to the Hall of Fame.
-- One for Yrolg, Fargrist, and Dock*a.
- *Notice* I apologize for the lack of updates to the news post, which is why it lacks so much from January and February. When I can pick up more news, I'll post it. *Notice*
- After a huge story contest, the final round, which was in "continue-the-story" format, has now ended! Congratulations to Fargrist, Yrolg, and Dock*a for first, second, and third place!
- Bunni Killer's sticky has been removed.
- Mod Craddock has edited the title of of the Story Discussions sticky.
- The second round of the story contest has now ended.
- The first round of the story contest has now ended.
- Mod Craddock has revealed an Ingame RPG Event. For more information go to 49-50-342-58339900.
- Mod Craddock has officially opened the newest story contest, "Changes," and has revealed the three rounds. Go to 49-50-487-58272190 to register and take part.
- Happy 2009, everyone!
- Yrolg has started a new forum-expanding newspaper!
- The entire guide has been scanned for invalid information and typos.
- Several posts have been adjusted. Check the TOC.
- The new genre "Miscellaneous" has been added, while the "Arena" has been removed.
- "Guilds" is soon to be rewritten.
- "Contests" is soon to be updated.
- QFCs have been checked and updated.
- TYL has been reposted under the control of Geo The Arch.
- Mod Kathy's contest is over! The winner was Bunni Killer! Congratulations!
- Second and third place went to Auraofguthix and Daimyo30. Nicely done.
- The Story Discussions sticky has been refreshed thanks to Mod Jon H.

03-Jun-2008 22:10:38 - Last edited on 12-Jun-2009 22:32:06 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-=- List of Completion -=-
This space is going to be used to keep track of what has been done, what hasn't been done, and the numbers for everything reserved and such. If you need an update, this is always kept in top shape.
Posts Filled (Completed): 76
Posts Unfilled (Uncompleted): 13
Posts Reserved: 11

Uncompleted Items:
Plot FAQ
Characters FAQ
Description and Flow FAQ
Mechanics FAQ
Prose Comedy FAQ
Scripted Comedy FAQ
Originality FAQ
The World FAQ
Tragedy and Romance FAQ
Horror FAQ
Poetry FAQ
Guilds FAQ
Contests FAQ

The following list consists of people who have given their time and effort to help with the guide. All of its success can be awarded to them.
** Only the main groups have been noted. **
** If you made a submission and you're not on here, please let me know. **
- Capt Chekaka
- Poller5
Page One - Intro, Basic Information, and Help Threads:
- Capt Chekaka
- Poller5
- Mbts/ct
- Dav Dog92
Plot Submissions:
- Poller5
Character Submissions:
- Gaurdian1232
- Fred Zeppeli
- Scout574
Description Submissions:
- Capt Chekaka
- Torak546
- Fred Zeppeli
- Futile Crush
Flow Submissions:
- Dav Dog92
Mechanics Submissions:
- Dragon 3011
- Capt Chekaka
- Auraofguthix
Comedy Submissions:
- Doom 5500
- Capt Chekaka
Originality Submissions:
- Capt Chekaka
The World Submissions:
- Phoenix13554
Short Stories Submissions:
- Jacme Slash
- Sigurdur130
Tragedy Submissions:
- Dragon 3011
- Englishkid62
Romance Submissions:
- Dragon 3011
- Roshinda
Horror Submissions:
- Whitewolf492
Poetry Submissions:
- Torpeh
Guilds Submissions:
- Capt Chekaka
- Mbts/ct
Contests Submissions:
- Mbts/ct
Miscellaneous Submissions:
- Yrolg
- Futile Crush
- Lvl 3 Uh Oh
FAQ Submissions:
- Capt Chekaka
- Poller5

03-Jun-2008 22:10:39 - Last edited on 12-Jun-2009 22:32:13 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~` Prose Stories – The Basics `~
By: Capt Chekaka
Now, many of you are probably wondering, “What is prose?” Well, prose is considered the opposite of scripted writing here in the Stories Forum. Prose writing is mainly affiliated with plot, description, characters, flow, and mechanics. In order to possess a strong prose story, it would need to show these qualities in a good form.
Learning how to write prose can be difficult, as there are many different styles out there. Many forms used by writers here differ from another, so, if needed, you may have develop your own personal style that you’re comfortable with, but is also accepted by the general community. Displaying good knowledge of grammar and spelling is a great start for any story, and developing an original plot will also captivate readers and get you a solid fan base.
However, prose is not normally the road that beginning authors take, for the fan base for Noob Stories is quite larger. Still, gaining respect in this forum can give you a good number of loyal fans that will read most of your work, and prose writing is normally the way to gain those fans. Writing prose can be considered difficult, but, with time and practice, you can learn the ropes and end up with a very strong prose story.
Also, it may be hard at first, but perseverance and a strong presence on the Story Discussion sticky and writing guilds will help. A lot of people find that their prose story doesn't draw enough readers and give up - even if no one comments, keep adding, because when you do get readers they'll have more to read and your skill should have grown with all the writing you've done. Stay strong.

03-Jun-2008 22:10:40 - Last edited on 04-Jun-2008 00:22:01 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~` Noob Stories – The Basics `~
By: Capt Cheka­ka
Noob stories are the normal way an author begins his writing, mainly because of the insanely large number of fans and the easy popularity that is gained from writing them. Because of this, noob stories have been given a bad name – tasteless humor, unoriginal plots, and terrible grammar. This is the normal summary of a noob story.
However, noob stories are also an easy way to get into writing if you’re just starting out and to gain confidence in your abilities. A few noob story authors, like Elite, venture away from their roots after a while and begin to write prose, so noob stories can be considered a stepping stone for most.
Noob stories are written mainly in script, the opposite of prose, but there are a few that are done in prose, too. Using script, an author focuses more on the comedy side of writing and less about the description, allowing for a more “raw” version of most jokes. Still, noob stories, in order to be good, still must contain the basics for writing: Plot, good grammar, and a good selection of characters. If you’re just beginning, Noob Stories can be a good choice, but remember to try your hand at prose, too.

03-Jun-2008 22:10:41 - Last edited on 28-Dec-2008 20:19:04 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~` True Stories – The Basics `~
By: Capt Chekaka
One of the main problems with our forum revolves around “True Stories” and their writers. People neglect to read the Code of Conduct and then freely post these truthful tales within our walls. With the recent change of the Stories Forum description, we hope that these stories will become more limited. We'll see as time keeps going.
Now, the main reason for this section is to tell you that if you wish to share your ingame adventures, please take it to the General Forum. There, telling said stories is perfectly fine, but here it is not.

03-Jun-2008 22:10:47 - Last edited on 28-Dec-2008 20:20:19 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~` Reviewers – The Basics `~
By: Mbtsc­t
I bet the word “review” has come knocking on your door a lot of times and you know what a reviewer is. But do you actually know what reviewers here on the stories forum do? And did you know that anyone is eligible to become a reviewer on the stories forum?
What a reviewer here on the stories forum does is very simple. A reviewer will look at key parts in a story. That is, spelling, grammar, description, plot, originality and characters. A few more could be added to the list, but those are the most important. They will either be put in an essay format or will be sectioned and then scored with some description about each section. Whatever method you choose, it takes time and practice to be a good reviewer.
Now there’s a third type of reviewer for script stories. Now since script stories, which are mostly noob stories in this forum, they grade with another element. They put comedy as a huge thing when it comes to these stories. You want to laugh, so these reviewers will take that in to consideration. Being this kind of reviewer is also no easy task, so make sure, if you want to become good, to keep practicing.
One last thing. As a reviewer, you might be subject to flame due to your decisions as a reviewer. This might come from the reader or the *ans, as unfortunate as that gets. Just know that flaming will never be tolerated here and it can be reported if it gets bad.

03-Jun-2008 22:10:47 - Last edited on 03-Jun-2008 23:24:44 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~` Good Threads To Visit `~
By: Dav Dog92
- Story Discussions: 49-50-483-58091360
The Story Discussions sticky as been the cementing factor in the last few years of the Stories Forum: off-topic discussions were had; friends were made; the community developed. However, with the recent enforcement of the sticky's rules, this has become more writing-based. Still, it is an excellent place to get to know some of the forum's regulars and get your story known. A new start for the forums begins at its head: the SD.
- The Amethyst Library: 49-50-488-56200434
Perhaps the greatest guild since TGP, The Amethyst Library is a great group of writers. If you’re looking to meet some of the better authors of the forums, if you’re looking for the support of a guild, if you want a cool signature to go with it, Poller's guild here is perfect for you.
- The Academies: 49-50-825-58738046
It has returned. Under the newfound control of Diescammers8, The Academies make another *tand in the forum as the ressurection takes place. At first, they were separate, and then they were transformed into a guld, but now Die has merged different aspects of both the separated and guild-like ways into this masterpiece. If you want to learn *how* to write and not just *about* writing, this is the place to be. Friendly, yet strict, teachers and a welcoming community await you.

03-Jun-2008 22:10:48 - Last edited on 03-May-2009 18:59:23 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- The Yanillian Library: 49-50-583-58465095
This building features the best stories ever to grace these forums. It’s been around for ages; it’s currently in the hands of Wiz; it's The Yanillian Library! Many of the best stories on the forums are member here. If you are looking for a good book, this is the place to find it. Are you a great author? Want some recognition? Apply here to see if you hold up to the highest standards offered by this forum.
- The Collection: 49-50-686-58478891
Currently in the care of Chuklz, the Collection is the list to be on. The Collection ranks the eighty best stories on the forum, the ten best authors, and the ten best reviewers. It also contains articles written about the SF and interviews with great authors. If you’re curious to know how you rank, apply today!
- The Story Reader Exchange: 49-50-681-57540742
Currently run by The Taunter2, more commonly known as Taunt, TSRE is the place to go for story reading and maybe getting some fans. Need a story read or just like to read? Then this is the place to be! Sign up today!

03-Jun-2008 22:10:49 - Last edited on 04-Mar-2009 21:41:20 by CaptChekaka

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