The cook is a great cook, and not very long ago, he had a bit of a cooking challenge.
On one certain day, the cook stole an omelet recipe from a goblin's hut there in Lumbridge (now that event is a whole other story). And upon looking at the words on the page, the omelet recipe called for, to his amazement, an easter egg.
The cook was crestfallen, as he know this omelet was the tastiest in Gielinor, and he was not a very wealthy man. So, he safely placed the recipe in his drawer, and decided to go back to the recipe once he was able to get his hands on, somehow, an easter egg.
This day came very soon.
In fact, the next day after stealing this valuable recipe, the cook, upon opening up a master treasure chest which he had labored over for several months, found a third-age equipment dye which he knew was very valuable.
The cook at once began his journey to Varrock's Grand Exchange. The dye sold right away. And with excitement, the cook purchased one easter egg. And afterwards, the cook was still a wealthy man.
Upon entering his kitchen once again, he began his preparations for the omelet. He very carefully prepared the egg, but he made no mistakes, as he was a very skillful chef. And then, after about two hours of preparation, the omelet dish was completed.
And then, the cook made his way over to Juliette in Varrock, in order to give this dish to her, for the cook loved Juliette, and despised Romeo.
"Cook! what a lovely surprise!" Juliette said as she answered the door for the cook.
"It is pleasant to see you too, darling," the cook said. And then he showed her the expensive omelet he had prepared. "Eat this, darling. I know you will love it."
Juliet took the dish at once, and ate it rather ravenously. After she was finished, she ferociously pulled the cook inside and shut the front door. And that's that.
31-Aug-2023 23:54:53