Hello, Allow me to introduce myself. My Current account name is 666s Angel, for my invisibility in the world of Runescape. My first account (or ALTERNATE) Is under the current name of CLiCK GLiCH. I started playing in 2003. CLiCK GLiCH is level 119 with four level 99 capes. All of which I leveled up on my own without any help.
I now use 666s Angel as my MAIN user on OSRS. Which was once a mage pure back in early 2000's. My only reason I am expressing this, is to show my experience in RUNESCAPE. My GOAL has been to be a Moderator since I was young. I am now 26 years old. I live a successful life and I pay for my membership through money I earn at my real life job. Runescape is my ALT reality and I wont be leaving it anytime soon.
I am trying to get my name out there because if you view my information you will see my constant reports of bot multiplying. It really bothers me because I know it is a scam. I have seen every scam in the book and I have never participated in it. Saradoma permits of it.
I know moderators use to be able to mute people, and I'm sure they still can?
If I ever achieve the goal of becoming a moderator, I would enforce my professionalism and reveal myself in chat a lot less. I really do not like advertisements and scammers. If you see my history I don't have any false reports. And I actually do see a huge difference in my reports and confrontation with others.
Do you still offer Player Moderators? I notice that when people get reported, they get banned a lot slower than they use to in 2005. I know because I have had my account muted and frozen in that year a few times to experience. Ever since then I had tried to be the best I could be to possibly be a moderator (HOW COOL!)
The history on this account however, is clean. I behaved myself quickly, and now that it is 13 years later, As an adult it is required of me to behave myself. Honestly, my kindness and empathy I don't like Scammers. I know what it's like to lose everything you have.
RS Since 2003
30-Mar-2019 16:42:04