So....decided to make a thread about this just to share my goals and dreams with you all
please no hate...we all play differently but remember we are one large community who love this game and have been playing runescape since childhood!
Anyways! I wanted to create this thread to share my goals and dreams with you all.
I currently returned to runescape and have made this brand new account.
I have been playing since 2004! It is my childhood and honestly the only game id rather invest my spare time into!...when im not working!
Since I was little I have always wanted to max my account to reach level 99 in every skill! but I have never even come close to this.
So my first goal is to max my account this includes obtaining 99 in every skill in the game, to at least try every boss in the game once (I have never done raids or bossing before so im excited for when I can finally do this!), do complete all quests and get the quest cape and to complete all achievement diaries. I have never done any of this so will be nice to actually do this! Im also excited to find out which pets I might get along the way!
after maxing my goal is to reach 200mil xp in all skills! It also been a huge dream of mine to be on the high scores list so I am going to work towards this too eventually!
and lastly it would be amazing if I could ever get the opportunity to become a player moderator of course I know they are chosen specially by jagex but it would be awesome if could ever become a p-mod one day
Im looking to help lots of people and to make lots of friends!
See you in game!
the realest and the illest! going for 200mil xp all stats