I wanted to just create a thread to kind of express myself to like minded individuals. The people at work don't know or have as much experience in online gaming. So the conversation just isn't there.
I've had an account here since 2007. I was either 11 or 12. Man those were some crazy times. I believe I started in the 6th grade; on my classrooms computer. I played faithfully for about 3 years and I either quit or began on a different path. I would come back here and there to test if I wanted to begin playing again.
I officially started back playing again around 07/22. Getting back into scape has been a learning curve. I've been testing the settings to find what's more comfortable to me.
I think what really made me quit was the lack of maturity and patience to skill or even enjoy the game.
I'll be 28 here soon and I think I've acquired the time and patience to enjoy what the community and the game offers.
I just rediscovered "arcanists" from a online video I saw randomly. When I watched it, I was hit with so many feelings and emotions. It really sunk in when I discovered it's no longer a thing.
I went over my past minor offenses, I found my form of conversation so hilarious I showed my wife and even she laughed. She's always asked what I was like as a kid. When I went through the conversation "evidence" the entire chat dialog became so cringe; I said this is what growth looks like.
Long story short, I just wanted to share a humbling experience and a trip around memory lane.
I plan to stay now and enjoy the game fully. My current goal is maxed skills. I'm revisiting my old skills that I started and stopped long ago and getting them to mastery.
My home world is usually World 2, so if you're skilling, specifically mining right now, feel free to drop by the Arctic Habitat Mine and say hello.
I am graceful
13-Sep-2022 19:58:04