I felt like making a log, which will mostly consist of Slayer assignments. I will list all my skills. I will make a key on the first post. The purpose is to take up some more time of mine.
I get most of my assignments from Kuradal or Morvran.
1 - 1: Summary, Gear and Levels
1 - (2-10): Slayer assignments
2 - (1-10): Slayer assignments
3 - (1-10): Slayer assignments
Attack: 116/99
Strength: 116/99
Defence: 117/99
Ranged: 114/99
Prayer: 105/99
Magic: 109/99
Runecrafting: 103/99
Construction: 104/99
Dungeoneering: 120/120
Constitution: 119/99
Agility: 102/99
Herblore: 103/99
Thieving: 104/99
Crafting: 103/99
Fletching: 102/99
Slayer: 120/120****#
Hunter: 103/99
Divination: 103/99
Mining: 105/99
Smithing: 104/99
Fishing: 106/99
Cooking: 107/99
Firemaking: 104/99
Woodcutting: 104/99
Farming: 106/99
Summoning: 102/99
Invention: 145/120***
Total Level: 2736/2736
Combat level: 138/138
Quest points: 375
(Common assignments)
Mighty slayer helm (ef), masks/helms associated with various Slayer monsters, Max cape, Amulet of fury(t), Dragon rider lance/Augmented attuned crystal bow/Polypore staff, Augmented Torva platebody/Pernix body/Virtus robe top, Augmented Torva platelegs/Pernix chaps/Virtus robe legs, Culinaromancer's gloves 10, Steadfast/Glaiven/Ragefire boots, Luck of the dwarves, (Legendary/Greater)Aegis/Dedicated slayer/Knock-out/Vampyrism/Wisdom aura.
(Uncommon assignments)
Obsidian gloves, Obsidian boots, Blisterwood polearm.
Extreme brawler's/battlemage's/sharpshooter's potion, Wyrm fire potion, Brightfire potion Super prayer renewel, potion, Super restore potion (for dragon assignments), Infernal urns (for demonic assignments), Rocktail soup/Rocktail/Cavefish/Baron shark/Shark/Monkfish/Swordfish/Lobster.
**Indicates rewards from cremating Vyrewatch remains
***Achieved on June 2, 2017
****Achieved on September 18, 2017
#Achieved on July 8, 2018 - 200million experience

1 - 1: Summary, Gear and Levels
1 - (2-10): Slayer assignments
2 - (1-10): Slayer assignments
3 - (1-10): Slayer assignments
Attack: 116/99
Strength: 116/99
Defence: 117/99
Ranged: 114/99
Prayer: 105/99
Magic: 109/99
Runecrafting: 103/99
Construction: 104/99
Dungeoneering: 120/120
Constitution: 119/99
Agility: 102/99
Herblore: 103/99
Thieving: 104/99
Crafting: 103/99
Fletching: 102/99
Slayer: 120/120****#
Hunter: 103/99
Divination: 103/99
Mining: 105/99
Smithing: 104/99
Fishing: 106/99
Cooking: 107/99
Firemaking: 104/99
Woodcutting: 104/99
Farming: 106/99
Summoning: 102/99
Invention: 145/120***
Total Level: 2736/2736
Combat level: 138/138
Quest points: 375
(Common assignments)
Mighty slayer helm (ef), masks/helms associated with various Slayer monsters, Max cape, Amulet of fury(t), Dragon rider lance/Augmented attuned crystal bow/Polypore staff, Augmented Torva platebody/Pernix body/Virtus robe top, Augmented Torva platelegs/Pernix chaps/Virtus robe legs, Culinaromancer's gloves 10, Steadfast/Glaiven/Ragefire boots, Luck of the dwarves, (Legendary/Greater)Aegis/Dedicated slayer/Knock-out/Vampyrism/Wisdom aura.
(Uncommon assignments)
Obsidian gloves, Obsidian boots, Blisterwood polearm.
Extreme brawler's/battlemage's/sharpshooter's potion, Wyrm fire potion, Brightfire potion Super prayer renewel, potion, Super restore potion (for dragon assignments), Infernal urns (for demonic assignments), Rocktail soup/Rocktail/Cavefish/Baron shark/Shark/Monkfish/Swordfish/Lobster.
**Indicates rewards from cremating Vyrewatch remains
***Achieved on June 2, 2017
****Achieved on September 18, 2017
#Achieved on July 8, 2018 - 200million experience
16-Apr-2016 06:04:18 - Last edited on 08-Jul-2018 13:58:56 by Teenwolf