When is someone going to answer the question
It's been like this since wave four, for me, and isn't funny anymore
The longest I have stayed logged in at any time was an amazing 30 minutes It's a when the rest of the world must have been offline.
If it is reported via text flight app you get an email to say post in in these useless forums, I have had one half hearted reply to say it's because the iPad air only has a big of ram, doesnt say anywhere in the OVERHYPED ADVERT that you need a monster iPad just that it has to run greater than IOS 10.
I am thoroughly kissed with this and the lack of support and information shown, if someone just wrote something meaningful for once I could possibly accept the fact that it's rubbish but no they have to be OSTRICHES and stuff their heads in the sand.
I am also annoyed at the lack of information generally these days!
If the is the way Runescape I is headed perhaps it's time for a DO FOR E
I know what I want to do, but can rarely achieve it
08-Jun-2020 13:18:37