Not sure if I'm even in the right forum or how many others may have asked, so apologies if I'm just repeating others. My wife and I are getting ready to buy ourselves some new tablets and one of the main things I want to do with mine is to play mobile RS. I'm needing to know if anyone has any experience or information on performance, compatibility, etc, on a Fire Tablet 8 HD, specifically this fella here...******/product/B0794RHPZD?pf_rd_p=183f5289-9dc0-416f-942e-e8f213ef368b&pf_rd_r=RCF0GWVNBJVXR8YK0AJ3
It isn't the only reason for us wanting them but it's a big part of it, so I want to know how well I can expect it to work with the mobile game. I also worry that it might suddenly go incompatible with a new version that will eventually pop out (this has happened to me with my phone, was working great and then they updated and oops, no longer compatible with my device and wouldn't let me just run the previous version...ugh). So yeah, that's my question. Just want to get some info before I go to this expense.
04-Nov-2019 12:28:48