To the developers, mods, and anyone else who wants to laugh at my pain.
So I had access to the beta for about a year now and to be honest I've absolutely loved it. God it's so scuffed with the 85% texture glitches and random crashes when you open the map or eat a tuna but that's all what makes it entertaining, this post is me on my knees begining for my spot back, I'm not entirely sure what happened but with last update I can't seem to download rsmobile anymore (8-22-19 update).
I am currently on a extended trip and don't have access to my computer nor will I have access for another month or so, so I would really appreciate my ScuffScape back.
Please Jagex understand this if nothing else: I have dedicated myself to mobile as of recently and during learning how to play with the limited action bar slots I've lost around 200-250m in the wildy. I need my redemption, it's more than addiction, it's RuneScape.
Let me grind to Max, relearn how to PK, and get lost more in Dino land.
PS: I've lost 200m+ do to soulless skull tricking dilweeds, as seen above they can have that petty change while I learn how to addept I just want to finish what I started and not just out money now for no reason.
Oh and bigger PS I lost access to mobile on legit this accounts 5 year birthday, I was waiting 8 months from when I rejoined last winter to see me get that cape on its birthday.
Much Love and Stay Toasty,
VnG Mobile Hunter
Community Aid
25-Aug-2019 18:22:35