I've played on a Samsung s6 tablet, s4 tablet, a50, Razer phone 2, and a Sony Xperia 2. The a50 and Xperia were unplayable even on the lowest settings for me.
The Razer phone 2 is capable of maintaining almost a minimum frame rate of 60 on the lowest settings, and texutres the only thing on. It can maintain around 40 ish with shadows high, water high and every thing on but ocfulus aclison or what ever it's called the hbbo or saao thjng. It dips way below 30 fps with Max settings, it is a 845.
The s4 is a 835 and gets like 15 fps on Max, and skips.
The s6 with the 855 got a pretty stable 30 to 40 on Max, but it can't do 60 fps Max settings.
The a50 is just unplayable even on lowest settings it gets skips all over, and can't maintain any stable frame rates. I have no idea what it had I think it's a 620 snap dragon or something. At 300 it's a worthless phone and way to expensive, when the s4 tablet can be bought for 265 at Best buy.
The Sony Xperia x is even worse.
Gonna have to wait till the next phone snap dragon to be able to play this on Max settings 60 fps.
It def doesn't have the performance of old school rune scape which runs at 80 to 120 fps on a Razer phone 2. I can't go to those graphics though compared to rubescape mobile, even the lowest looks better than the highest old school rune scape, and the 120 hz and fps don't make up for the bad graphic to me.
I'd say for me the minimum CPU for this game is snap dragon 835, that gets skips even at lowest settings some times, but is playable. Regardless of the CPU speed, it's gonna come down to it overheating. The tablets s4 and s6 seem to handle the heat fine, and the razor does because it has a cooler. I can't see any phones, but the Razer 2 and Asus rouge phones being able to handle Max graphics with it being plugged in, and being able to play for hours.
09-Nov-2019 14:59:04