In this Discord, we offer to carry up to two learners through ToB at one time with guaranteed completions or your GP back.
What separates us from everyone else? Unlike other boosting services, we actually teach you how to ToB. We will spend the time to make sure you get the proper tiles marked, that you learn useful role(s) that you can take with you to your clan, WDR, or world 416, and have basic skills and strategies to be an effective team player. We're also experienced enough at ToB that we can almost always get a completion even with two learners at a time, so invite a friend along with you to learn at the same time. If you get a purple in your name, you get to keep it!
We highly recommend that you learn alongside a friend. The hardest part about ToB is not the mechanics, believe it or not, but it's finding consistent, reliable, and trustworthy people to have as teammates. If you don't know of any friend to learn alongside with, don't worry! We'll take you alongside another learner or in a trio.
We also sell ToB potion runs and CoX lessons/leaches
21-Mar-2021 00:16:11
- Last edited on
10-Apr-2021 23:15:37