Pub Trivia #1
Blue Moon Inn Edition - Sponsored by CC “07 Irons”
With Quiz Master - “R a df o r d”
Where: Blue Moon Inn World 501
When: Tues July 23rd, 2019 20:30 UTC (game time)
Cost: FREE!
Question Topic for the Night - OSRS General Knowledge
This will include questions from all over OSRS, they could involve Quests, NPCs, Skills, Locations and MORE!
Do you think you know OSRS? Prove it! Win Prizes! Earn Glory!
- Rewards -
1st Place - 3 Bonds
2nd Place - 2 Bonds
3rd Place - 1 Bond
Game Rules:
There are 20 questions asked.
The first 15 are worth 1 point the last 5 are worth 2 points.
Each question will be asked followed by a “Buzz Code”
(Eg. “What color represents Guthix - Buzz 429”)
Then whichever contestant types in 429 first will have successfully buzzed in to answer.
The host will acknowledge who buzzed in and then that contestant gets 10 seconds from that moment to answer.
(timed by the quiz master with Runelite stop watch)
If the answer is incorrect or the contestant runs out of time a new “Buzz Code” will be provided for the next contestant to try.
(time outs include answering after the host calls time)
A tie breaker question will be asked if any way tie exists at the end.
Calling out answers without being buzzed in will result in disqualification.
Talking is allowed but Spamming will result in Ban from Future Events!
Wiki Lookups are allowed! But you will need to be FAST!
19-Jul-2019 23:38:14