Based off the latest update on Ironman/GIM; few of us got together creating this.
NBS // social.eventful.discordfriendly cc
Clan chat: pwer rangers
PS: Below you'll find GIM Teams with an open roster and
Players who are looking to join a new group.
As we all know by now, someone goes inactive or is no longer playing, therefore lacking the groups progression. We thought creating a place to network in hopes of finding a replacement if need be. Also, we encourage GIM teams to join - that way we can host more activities focused around Group4Group content. Lets keep the ironman experience alive!
GIM vs GIM duels, TzHaar Fight Pits, Castlewars, ToA, ToB, CoX, FashionScape Contest, Drops of The week, SoTw, Clan Wars, F2P Pking, & more..
For those of you who currently stand alone but would like to stand alone together you can!
Players of any Iron mode (Regular, Hardcore or Ultimate) are now able to speak to the Iron Tutor in Lumbridge and become an GIM. Simply ask the tutor to let you review your Iron status, select 'Unranked Group Iron' under the Group tab, and then join a group - just like any other GIM!
Currently there are 57 gamers
GIM Teams *TBA*
pwr rangers
// red_rang3rr, yellowrnger, gr33nranger1, Prple_Rng3r, Blue_rng3r
Side By Side
// Pink Rang3r, Black_Rnger, Brown R4nger, Alywayyys IM, D e g a
Turkey pound
// GIM BJSal, GIM lost HC, Luke Atmydik
// GIM Impulse
// MLG Dinero
// illinformed, FxckLMS
Sickle Mould
// RE 2, Christimas