Hey Jagex
Im am currently experiencing UI issues in-game when i minimize OSRS mobile client on a Samsung s10e. I have tried everything such as looking at settings, reinstalling the app, clearing data and cache. Northing works. This happened with the latest app update.
If i minimize the app and reopen it the following UI crashes happen:
Black screen (with minimap, chat, inventory still colored) This i can fix with adjusting screen brightener however
In NMZ zone the xp show (above minimap) and absorption points gets closed. Sometimes i can reopen it and sometimes it simply wont.
Random trees in-game appear white and so do the water around the world. When i reopen the app it comes to normal again
UI does not fit the whole screen sometimes it just shows up as random placed buttons.
All of the above crashes/bugs seems to been happened right after the latest app update.
06-Dec-2020 15:12:14