Can we please get the bond button moved on OSRS mobile? Its location on the minimap combined with touch screen accuracy issues and oftentimes small screens makes it highly disruptive, especially during combat. Trying to run while under attack or use the special attack button can lead to a swift death due to the bond button opening a new browser window if accidentally pressed.
I realize these forums aren’t super active and it’s been years since I’ve posted, so I may have missed similar discussions. If so, I apologize. Regardless, I suspect this is a reasonable request that would not be too difficult to address. Perhaps there isn’t a significant audience that recognizes this issue as many of us mobile users tend to limit dangerous activities, but I think this would be a good step in giving mobile users a little more freedom in choice of activities.
If there is already a workaround for this, my apologies, and please let me know. Thanks!
27-Jun-2020 05:04:33