I agree with this sentiment, I would definitely consider membership for OSRS if my stats from my "main" account could be restored. I put so much time into that account that I just can't justify putting the same effort into a new OSRS account. I've recently returned to RS after quitting sometime in 2011 (just before EOC came out, I believe) and it's not hard for me to believe that OSRS is more popular than RS3. I don't think it's more popular because of "old players" who prefer nostalgia, but rather because RS2 was just more simple and mindless and fun. RS3 seems more like WoW and other more complex MMORPGs designed for more serious gamers, whereas RS2 appealed more to casual gamers who just wanted to enjoy a simple, fun, and rewarding game. As a casual gamer, I have no desire to play RS3... but if RS2 came back, or OS was updated to 2011-esque RS with all my old stats (and no micro-transactions, ugh) I would love to continue where I left off.
09-Dec-2020 01:58:15