this application was designed for mobile i understand, however because of this the app lacks features that should be added to benifit them people who pay the extra to play your mobile app with mouse and keyboard.
also if your team played your app with mouse and keyboard you'd find it easier to see what flaws are for you app.
No fkey bindings on the mobile app, you can use the regular fkeys they cant be re arranged and there is no bag fkey, thus making a mouse and keyboard on your mobile app makes your mobile app have lack of quality.
the whole left ribbon, this left ribbion seems unecessary! and F-ugly, damn f-ugly!
most of the time I walk around with my bag open, thus I am mainly playing with my left hand to move and my right hand to use the interface, so Im not even sure why you saw the need to split the ui in half! LOL! LOL! LOL! no seriously it's f-ugly and un needed considering i play with my bag open the majority of the time, this left ribbon bar seemed like you wanted to be greedy and ad more flare to the app however it just reduces game quality.
also when can we change the ribbon possitions, when can i make my magic book and move it to where the quest tab is so I can play with my right hand rather than justifying playing with both hands just because its touch screen theres not really any need to have a left ribbon bar when my right thum can reach the whole right section of the ui completley fine, I think you tried to hard to make your mobile app look premium, it just feels cheap split up into two ui's
can we have an option to have our bags and interface look like the desktop version as an option as there are two things, I can still touch all the icons if they looked like the desktop version, secondly when using a mouse and keyboard on your mobile app, moving the mouse from the bag to equipt item, all across the screen to use a special attack or magic spell, its just unrealistic, fkeys and ribbon fix's plzz Signed Brett.
sinful prayer system, causing damage'' character hits a 0 = you cause no damage thus lawfully accepted without sin [sbuff] when your character hits a 1-7 [gbuff] a low sinful action, when your character hits 8+ [zbuff] a high sinful action/
Lvl 60 bossing!!>
also if your team played your app with mouse and keyboard you'd find it easier to see what flaws are for you app.
No fkey bindings on the mobile app, you can use the regular fkeys they cant be re arranged and there is no bag fkey, thus making a mouse and keyboard on your mobile app makes your mobile app have lack of quality.
the whole left ribbon, this left ribbion seems unecessary! and F-ugly, damn f-ugly!
most of the time I walk around with my bag open, thus I am mainly playing with my left hand to move and my right hand to use the interface, so Im not even sure why you saw the need to split the ui in half! LOL! LOL! LOL! no seriously it's f-ugly and un needed considering i play with my bag open the majority of the time, this left ribbon bar seemed like you wanted to be greedy and ad more flare to the app however it just reduces game quality.
also when can we change the ribbon possitions, when can i make my magic book and move it to where the quest tab is so I can play with my right hand rather than justifying playing with both hands just because its touch screen theres not really any need to have a left ribbon bar when my right thum can reach the whole right section of the ui completley fine, I think you tried to hard to make your mobile app look premium, it just feels cheap split up into two ui's
can we have an option to have our bags and interface look like the desktop version as an option as there are two things, I can still touch all the icons if they looked like the desktop version, secondly when using a mouse and keyboard on your mobile app, moving the mouse from the bag to equipt item, all across the screen to use a special attack or magic spell, its just unrealistic, fkeys and ribbon fix's plzz Signed Brett.
sinful prayer system, causing damage'' character hits a 0 = you cause no damage thus lawfully accepted without sin [sbuff] when your character hits a 1-7 [gbuff] a low sinful action, when your character hits 8+ [zbuff] a high sinful action/
Lvl 60 bossing!!>
23-Dec-2021 03:30:20