Greetings everyone,
Guthixiana Butterflies are not giving XPs to me (either in bonuses or XP direct), none of the 3 types of butterflies (green, yellow and white), I usually get butterflies and counting 1/10, 2/10, 3 / 10 ... Also the memories of Guthix appear for me to see, but I do not receive any XP. This has happened since the event resumed a few days ago. I believe this has been happening with other new players as well.
After seeking help in the community, they told me that it is because I do not have the Invention ability released, that is, I do not have the minimum requirements to upar the skill that are 80 Smithing; 80 Crafting and 80 Divination, so it gets blocked, and I did not win XP neither of Invention nor the ability of lower level off Invention.
I urge you to arrange this so that new players like me will not be heavily harmed. The solution I give is to put the Invention skill as an exception until the player has the minimum requirements for it.
Note: I am not an Independent Extreme Mode player
Sorry if you had any translation errors, my native language is not English.
18-Apr-2019 21:02:37