Welcome to my Community Help FC page!
My friends chat is open to all players of the community. If you need someone to chat with while reaching your goals or if you need advice/help with something in the game, you are welcome to pop into my friends chat and say hi or ask a question/request a service (see below) and I will try to help where I can.
If you would like to help other players, you are also welcome to guest in my friends chat as well.
Please note:
this is not a clan chat, there is no requirements to join and if you are in a clan that is ok, you can come and go as much as you want.
‹•º*•‹ How to join ‹•º*•‹
Jack Dawkins
To join my friends chat, click on the global tab at the bottom of the screen and then select the social tab, or press f5 and click on the social tab, then under friends chat click the + sign in a bubble symbol and type my name. If you are having issues joining my chat, please pm me.
‹•º*•‹ Why am I opening my fc ‹•º*•‹
The player community is one of the most important aspects of a MMORPG. I enjoy playing RS because it has a fantastic community and I would like to keep that going by sharing my knowledge and helping out where I can.