As the leader of
The F word
People around the world face violence and inequality—and sometimes torture, even execution—because of who they love, how they look, or who they are. Sexual orientation and gender identity are integral aspects of our selves and should never lead to discrimination or abuse. As well as in Runescape
So I being wanting to do a Runescape pride march kind of thing for LGTB+ community that play Runescape. I was hoping to have more clans on board with this but seems like they to afraid of the trolls in Runescape but as I say this should make them want to do this more!
Yes there will be trolls everywhere in the world but you cant let them win...
So my clan is on board with this I was hoping we could do this round may or so just wanted to know if more people would join in this pride with me and my clan yes this is a game I get that but there are still real people playing a game.
If you wish to come troll or anything best you just do something else with your time this is for people that truthy want to help and support the LGTB+ community ! Thank you for your time and if any one would like to help us out in making this happen let me know