Key numbers:
There are 6 clues, each one pertaining to a specific key of one of 6 communities. As well as finding diamond numbers a key also reveal the answer of the square it's in:
Blue Merchant Key:
I was quite poor until someone gave me a common advice about store merchanting a particular item. On one of my merchant runs, a certain ring can be used to lower certain prices to travel to a certain store where you can buy a certain item to sell for higher on the GE. Ignoring the bank, count the number of crates at this certain store.
White Time Key:
Thanks to you I am looped in time. Picked up again and again from those wretched hands! All for the sake of not gold, but weekly xp! At least once again ironically, I can point correctly once more. Take this gem as your reward but don’t forget to look at where my fingers point, for the number of numbers between my fingers is the key. And pay heed to exclude the numbers I may directly point.
Green PVE Key:
My environment is harsh thanks to my guardians. But if you happen to be a true pure skiller, whose wish is to harm none but those who bite, please seek refuge at my cousin’s instead. Count the number of his friends behind you when a swarm appears.
Yellow Puzzle Key
This used to belong to him. Never thought his attire had the most striking figure. And yet not even THAT could save him. The location he was last seen was here:
Red PvP Key
Beware of the most dangerous key of all. If you dare venture in, bank anything you do not wish to risk. And be warned, for my caretakers are very aggressive; and should you turn your back, your friends may be upon you instead. But once returned to a blood related duo, each shall be equally ecstatic. But hand me over not for you shall lose the key. Instead, look at each excitement carefully and tell me the total number of words that are different from the two. That number is your key.