For old school runescape, I bought 2 bonds redeemed one and the other disappeared. I would really like to either get that bond, or I get the money back for one of the 2 charges that I see on my card.
The answer depends on how you answer this question:
Have you only just bought the Bonds or had you had them for a number of months?
If you had them for a number of months, there is an issue arising from the login lockout problem earlier this year.
The information and contact link is on the
Login lockout restoration
support page.
If you only just bought the Bonds, it is more likely that one purchase failed and the money will be returned into your account.
Unsuccessful payment
If both Bonds were on your account, the usual answer would be that both Bonds were redeemed rather than just one Bond.
I recently bought 2 bonds, saw that I had them in my bond pouch. I then redeemed one, for the time of one bond membership, and go to check my bonds, and the other was gone. and I still only had the time of one bond membership used with 2 being used up. I was planning on saving one bond for a bit.
OK, you should message Billing Support and ask them to check your account.
Go to the
Common Credit Card Issues
support page and click on the 'Contact Us' button.
Use this navigation:
Contact Us -> Credit / Debit Card -> Confirm -> Let us know some details