I payed for my membership and the cash went off my bank and i keep getting messages on runescape for failed billing after being 3weeks member, what do i do ?
When you sign up for a membership, the agreement is that the membership is recurring.
This means that the following month Jagex will bill you for another month.
It sounds like the May payment Jagex is trying to take is failing.
Jagex will try once a day for five days, then stop trying. You get a message each day about it.
This means that your membership will drop off and the account will return to free to play.
If you want to buy membership again, you will have to go to the payment section of the website and sign up again.
If you are googling the post, you might be seeing a cached post.
If it is cached, it might no longer be actually visible on the website anymore as threads do drop off the forums.