Not sure if this is the proper place to post this but here goes.
So for the last few days I have noticed either level three accounts or what appear to be very high level very accomplished accounts logging in at the grand exchange and trading me.
At first this didn't seem weird but I noticed it only happens when I am wearing high value items.
The level three accounts trade what appears to be random amounts near 1 million GP very quickly, while accepting the trade, quickly changing the amount and accepting faster than any human could.
The high level accounts appear to be manually ran and start the conversation with hey "insert your player name here" your name is highlighted white.
The high level accounts typically proceed to give you around 200k value and claim things like, "I hope this changed my luck at Bandos" or "Buy me some feathers I'm at cap" -keep in mind these are max players fully aware of feathers packs I am sure lol.... The most recent one just stood there demanding I trade for a long time "It's just drop off bro" , they stated after spamming for a long time.
I understand this could be a trust type of lure, but it also doesn't make sense when you figure in the low level accounts doing the strange very fast trade adjustments and accepts.
To me it looks like they are trying to confuse some type of tracking system.
Keep in mind these very high or low level accounts only approach me if I am wearing higher tier gear.
Also the fake friendly chat bots will spam their name as a scammer. My guess would be they have switched gears from using the chat bots to extort those who stand up against them "me" to announcing the names of the scammers or shady characters so they look more trustworthy.
I know that last bit was a lot.
I wouldn't mind to keep accepting their 200kish donations for no reason so long as I am not becoming part of their laundering scheme haha.
26-Jan-2023 15:32:53
- Last edited on
26-Jan-2023 15:37:26
Caleb Arthur