So its been a little bit of time for me to login and it not working. i know my info cause i can login on the websie. but i guss i dount understand this new stuff
Are you trying to log into the new launcher and havent migrated to a Jagex Account yet?
The Launcher was recently updated to where you have to have migrated to the new account system in order to use it.
If you're not quite ready to make the jump, and want to get accustomed with the game again first....on the download's page, at the bottom, there's a link for the direct game download...that'll let you download the standalone client and log in the old way.
It will be worth reading into the migration process for Jagex Accounts though, as we're in the process of switching to that system....and then migrate your account(s) when you're ready and at your own pace.....before everyone is forced into moving over.
Upgrading your account support page
Can I turn in a paper without citing all sources?
1. William Shakespeare,
, Act III, Scene 1, line 96.
06-Jan-2024 01:31:42
- Last edited on
06-Jan-2024 01:32:12