
Can't force logout account

Quick find code: 408-409-907-66290465

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I did a stupid mistake and got phished by entering my details into a shady website (together with my authenticator code that changes every 30 seconds).

I immediately then realized what I did and went immediately to Reset my password (first I only changed then but I saw that I should reset it). I also ended all active sessions.

It did indeed kick me out of jagex launcher, however, I have an already open RuneLite client (via jagex launcher) and I was *not* logged out. I am even able to hop worlds, log out and go back in (note that I was logged out of the launcher but did not log back in).
I'm worried that the hacker has a similar setup where the client is open and waiting for me to log out so they can login and that resetting the password did not help.

Is there a way to force logout the osrs account and not just the jagex account?

16-Nov-2023 05:29:24



Posts: 23,025 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Security tips ... <- (link) at '
Jagex's Support Centre
' and read it thoroughly ...

Manage active sessions

If you've forgotten to log out of your account on a shared device or suspect a third party has access to your account, you can
end all active sessions
which will log you out on all devices.

There's a link on said page, in that line of text, which helps you further ...

16-Nov-2023 09:28:56

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As I've already said - I've done that and it did *not* log me out from RuneLite client. It only logs out the jagex account from browsers and from the launcher.

I am able to use RuneLite to login to my account and hop worlds without having to reauthenticate on the jagex launcher...

16-Nov-2023 11:53:45

Mrs Ana

Mrs Ana

Posts: 9,010 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey, HisokaMorrow.

At the top right corner of the Jagex Launcher, you should be able to see an arrow next to your account name with a drop-down menu. Click on "Log out" and it should log you out and prompt you to log in again if you open the Jagex Launcher. I just tried it and it worked.

See picture below for visualization:

Please let us know if that works for you :) .

16-Nov-2023 16:57:09 - Last edited on 16-Nov-2023 17:21:23 by Mrs Ana

Mrs Ana

Mrs Ana

Posts: 9,010 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Original message details are unavailable.
Just to clarify - the jagex launcher does indeed get logged out - which is great.
The already open RuneLite client is still signed in (although jagex launcher is signed out).
Hmmm. May you try removing and re-installing the Jagex Launcher again?

16-Nov-2023 17:25:54

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