Hey. I'll forward what the e-mail said from Mod Rafim. It has been locked due to "accessed by a third party". Mod Rafim/Jagex has secured me account to prevent further access.
My account is suspended, not "banned". My apologizes, were slightly in a rush (not a good sign to be) when I wrote my forum-post.
I'll try to recover via Forgotten Login-page, however, it says "Character Name Unavailable" and I have no idea how to proceed after all these recoveries. I got the account linked to my Steam, I have old transcations ID from PayPal (Bonds mostly).
I'll try giving it another shot, perhaps figure it out.
However, what if I want to provide screenshots, videos and such to strengthen my recovering-application? The "Funky Acitivty" were a abstract-generalized word that I thought of, wasn't the best word to use I suppose.
14-Mar-2023 14:30:51