I came back to Old School after a year or two break to find my bank pin gone and 850M stolen from my account in gear. I don't even know how they got access to my account as I have two factor authentication enabled. In the end I think my total lost is around 850M
so disheartening to get on after a while and see absolutely nothing and a ransacked bank.
I am so sorry that happened... here are some helpful resources, especially if it is possible to assist with the lost item(s)/gold that you had taken.
Here is the lost item claim
link to which you can see if this applies to your situation and submit a claim to see if Jagex can do anything to help.
Also, make sure you reset your password and ensure your email is secure, here are some
security tips
to assist.
Lastly, I would certainly change your password from what it was, in-case the hacker has access to your account still. Here is the
on how to do that.
Again, sorry about what happened but I hope something positive can come out of this.
First of all, the
Lost items
Support article doesn't work if you have been hijacked/scammed AND it's only available in RuneScape 3.
Due to technical limitations, items may not be returned at all on OSRS
I'd highly recommend that you follow the tips and instructions here:
Security tips