Thanks for the answer. I'm not going back anytime soon cause I'm planning to leave the Netherlands permanently.
It's also impossible for me to retrieve the e-mail that is registered to it. Having the same issues on google e-mail because they don't recognize me as the person that is logging in, cause I'm in a different country.
Nothing was wrong! For 2 months! And moment I am going to appeal to my perm mute (which I shouldn't have had in first place) my account got locked. Toxic system for sure and really haven't had experiences stuff like this ever. Now I have to deal with perm mute + locked account. While there was also no explanation to my mute?!?!? Cause some fat p-mod muted me manual??? How dirty are you people?? How am I even appealing to something if there is no evidence????
You're system is a farce and is proven to be failed real players. Bots can do anything in this game. Have to deal with them on daily basis in rev caves, they can just AHK and farm, farm farm. I have to hop worlds from them because of there low level accounts.
If there is no other option then, I will wave it and call it the day with runescape and hop to rsps. I was actually excited, little tiny bit for bounty hunter to play again. But yeah account got locked and can't do anything. Why is it even possible to play withouth authenthicator if you need an authenthicator eventually? It's just one of this stupid things u people didn't think through at all. U just like the profit of the bonds of the bots and anything will do for this company to make money, except helping out people that are playing this game for over 15 years allready and are real. They don't matter.
26-May-2023 12:09:22