If you are able to appeal it, then go ahead, if it is a unappealable offense (RMT is) then unfortunately that's final. You'd need a JMod for ban appeals, these forums for meant for community account assistance.
The opening post has been hidden & the thread title edited as the Forums may not be used to make accusations about others by name. The post is quoted below with the name removed:
Original message details are unavailable.
So, I had one of my account banned by [Edited]
"Logged in as: Gear Set
Permanently Banned
Due to the nature of the offence(s) you have committed, your account has been permanently banned.
Your account has the following offences recorded.
21-Mar-2023\tReal World Trading Major (ban)\tNot Appealable"
Now this was after I had DM'd someone in full torva, but my question is why is my account not unbanned like all the others that were unbanned from [Edited]'s rampage? I thought all the offences were downgraded from his Rampage.
Where a ban or mute is unappealable, it means that the Player Support team have already performed a thorough review to confirm that the offence is correct and that the account's user is liable for the activity, so no further appeal is invited.
The only Official way to appeal any ban is thru the appeal system in place in the support pages.
The richest person is not who has the most. It is who Needs the least.