Priority Poll 3
Back in March we ran a poll to ask you what you think our priorities should be for Old School. At this point we have delivered a large majority of the content that was voted as a priority and the content that hasn't been delivered is well on the way.
We feel that another poll to see what the players want to see the most would be a great way to help decide what content we get to work on next. This developer blog will go over some of the options that we will include in the priority poll.
As always, we are looking for your feedback on the contents of the poll. If anything that you would like to appear in the poll is not here, let us know and if the demand is there it may end up being added.
These are the options that will be available in the poll.
A new quest
Achievement diaries
Raid dungeon
Raid boss
Solo boss
New skill
Quality of life
Slayer update
Construction update
- Firemaking update
The following updates are not going to be on the priority poll as they are already in the works. These updates are what currently top our priority list and they will likely stay there until released.
Trading post
Bounty Hunter
- Corporeal Beast
A new quest
Since the release of Old School there have not been any new quest releases. On the last priority poll that we ran the option for a new quest was one of the least popular, however now that a lot of the other content from the poll has been introduced and a fair amount of time has passed we felt that it would be worth seeing if the players feel that Old School is ready for a new quest.
Achievement diaries
Achievement diaries are something that we have talked about for quite some time. Many other projects have taken priority over achievement diaries but the players that were asking for them never stopped doing so. We want to find out where achievement diaries stand in terms of priority for the players.
The continent is something that we have been talking about in a fairly vague manner for quite some time. Progress has certainly been made, but in order to dedicate the kind of work required to make something the size of a continent come to life we need to know that it is something that the players are dying to see.

In the past, players have shown a huge amount of enthusiasm whenever the continent comes up. We will have to wait and see if this is reflected in the priority poll.
Construction update

Firemaking update

Slayer update

Everything else

Mods Alfred, Ash, John C, Mat K, Reach, Ronan & Weath
The Old School Team

29-Aug-2014 12:00:19