Just looked over the update. I was wondering if you all could keep the white orb in the Saradomin halo? I like how you're making it match the cape but it would also look nice if you kept the white orb on the back part instead of it being a deep blue.
Graceful looks terrible now, way to dark, I loved the old one! It doesn't even match the pet anymore either... PLEASE at least give us the option to toggle between the lighter/darker?
Disappointed that the blisterwood xp wasn't changed yet, figured it would happen today since it should be a quick change. Was looking forward to grinding out some woodcutting levels there this week.
In light of the Saradomin Halo update and Citharede Abbey release, can you guys make Saradomin's Light actually useful? Out of all 4 gwd bosses, sgw has the lowest average gp per kill. Make Sara's Light act as a 3x KC replacement or something. It's 1/254 and pretty useless.
On another note, Staff of the Dead spec = Staff of Light spec and so the message about spirits of deceased evildoers appears in the chat box in both instances. Maybe change that to cleansed deceased evildoers for Staff of Light