Poll Question #7
Should we allow players to use 1000 crystal shards on the Blade of Saeldor to create an infinitely charged version?
It should cost significantly more than 1000 like maybe 5000 because only 1000 feels like a cheap way out
Poll Question #37
Should the Inquisitor’s Armour have a set effect? For each piece equipped, both damage and accuracy will be boosted by 0.5% while using the crush attack style. If all three pieces are equipped, an additional 1.0% boost will be given, for a total of 2.5%.
Poll Question #38
Should the negative slash and stab attack bonuses be removed from all three pieces of the Inquisitor’s Armour set?
The proposed set effect is rather conservative it does play into the armour quite well being less defensive and very offensive for the crush style only but I feel like it could be better... perhaps the damage is a concern but a bit more accuracy lets say 10% boost instead of 2.5% would be a nice idea. With the set effect in consideration I dont think that removing the negative slash and stab should be offered, it should remain the way it is.
13-Mar-2020 15:01:30