If there is no rollback for the tbow glitch, then this day will live in infamy for a monumentally terrible decision that will impact the economy for years to come.
If there is no rollback, then confidence in tbow will plummet and never recover. The tbow will likely never be above 1b ever again and raids 1 will become dead content as the tbow becomes cheaper and cheaper.
There will be dozens if not hundreds of tbows that fall through the cracks, billions if not trillions of gp used from unearned tbows which were sold to buy bonds, other pvm gear, skilling supplies etc will remain on some accounts that did not earn them.
This decision reminds me of the archer ring decision in rs3, where they decided to remove archer rings manually but it failed. The archer ring dropped to alch price and never recovered to its former value. However, the tbow is much worse because it is a high value and iconic item whereas the archer ring was a low-tier item.
I am very disappointed in whoever made this decision and I hope that the decision will be reverted. If you stand by your initial decision to not rollback the game, then thousands of other players will be disappointed in you too.
Luckily, it has only been a couple hours and a rollback is still viable. Do not waste more time and just rollback. It is the only viable decision.
28-Feb-2019 13:37:19