The poll for Sandstone being used as a multiplicative way for molten glass, the same way Giant Seaweed is, passed with flying colours and now you refute it and offer us some rubbish alternative? Why even offer the first option to begin with?
So much for the community controlling the outcome of the game. Bad move, OSRS Team.
This is an extremely dangerous precedent, how do you pick and choose what updates you will run when it was voted in by the community? I am highly disappointed in the jagex staff with this decision. If you want to make a change to this after implementing it then poll it and let the community decide if they want said change.
none needed
So just to be clear, instead of implementing what passed a poll, we will instead be allowed the opportunity to pay 5m to spend only 24 hours collecting 50k sand instead of 25 hours collecting it?
"our in-team understanding of the Ironman meta and the impact this would have on it was not aligned"
stopping an update because it gives ironmen a 2k bucket of sand an hour increase is game busting? I thought the ironman meta was to struggle alone trying to get 1/5k drops to stand a chance at high lvl pvm while the community hates us enough to drop cannons at our every spot to halt any progress...
35,359 or 83.5% of players do not agree to your meta $11 $11 $11 $11 $11
13-Feb-2019 17:44:42
- Last edited on
13-Feb-2019 17:47:41
Iron Pastie
jagex stepped up. Well done mods that was way to op. You need to understand people will always vote ezcape and dont think about long term or previous players who have had had to graft to get them skills.
Yeah it needs something new but not op. for me personally and I aint even an ironman but I have friends with 99 crafting and it has took them a long time.