March has arrived and we've got lots of lovely updates and developer blogs planned for the month. At the end of March we will be hosting a Deadman tournament with a $10,000 prize for the last Deadman standing! We will also be picking up on the discussion of Lootshare in Old School.
$10,000 Deadman Tournament
On Monday 21st March the fight for $10,000 begins as we open a brand new Deadman mode server for 6 days. Accessible only by the top 2,000 Deadman mode players, all starting from scratch, the last Deadman left standing after 6 days will take home the prize!
We will be taking the top 2,000 Deadman accounts from the Deadman hiscores on Wednesday 16th March - Get training and achieve a top 2,000 rank by then for your chance to compete!

On Saturday 26th March we will be livestreaming the final hour of the fresh Deadman world from Insomnia 57! During this hour the remaining players will be pushed closer and closer together and respawning will be disabled. The last Deadman standing will walk away with $10,000 !
So, what are you waiting for? Hop onto a Deadman world and get grinding - get into the top 2,000 by March 16th for your chance to compete for $10,000!

Deadman seasonal
Immediately following the conclusion of the $10,000 Deadman mode tournament, the first Deadman mode season will begin!
Brand new Deadman worlds, brand new accounts - on Saturday 26th March the race for Deadman domination begins!
More information on Deadman seasonal mode will be on the way later on in the month. For now, brace yourself for the hectic kick-off of another Deadman experience!
Nightmare Zone - Choose your own rumbles
Nightmare Zone rumble mode has always sent you into a dream with the chance of seeing any of the quest bosses you have taken down in the past. This will soon be changing with the introduction of choosing your own rumble!
You, and anyone else in your party, will still need to have completed the quests necessary in order to unlock each boss but you will be able to exclude any you don't wish to see. The host of the dream will choose which bosses are excluded.

The extra cost of 20,000 coins will be one that many of you are happy to pay for a chance to pick your own enemies in Nightmare Zone rumbles. Keep an eye out for this update coming later on in March.
Lootshare blog & poll
Throughout January and February we discussed the possibility of a Lootshare-like system coming to Old School. After several developer blogs discussing the different possibilities, we ended up polling ShardShare. Having failed the poll, it is clear that ShardShare was not to the liking of the community.

This week we will be releasing another developer blog discussing an alternative to what was previously offered and discussed. We also plan on polling this new version of Lootshare later on this week, so keep an eye out for both the developer blog and the poll coming your way this week.
Easter 2016
Easter is on the way and, as always, we will be celebrating! A developer blog for the Easter 2016 event will be coming later on this month with details of the story and the rewards.
Mods Alfred, Archie, Ash, Ghost, Ian, Jed, John C, Kieren, Mat K, Maz, Ronan, Weath
The Old School Team

01-Mar-2016 18:49:02 - Last edited on 01-Mar-2016 18:49:19 by Mod Ronan