Mod Ronan, I appreciate all the work you and the Old School Runescape team do! But however you recently patched (accident?) something with fire caves. You see we have been getting fire capes with one prayer on very low leveled accounts. While it may be costly in purple sweets we enjoyed doing it for FashionScape/+1 max hit. When you guys updated the fight cave spawns its impossible for us to get the spawn we want by re-logging over and over. Allowing the 180 and 90 to hit us where we can't use the purple sweet trick. Kind of disappointed as I never got the chance to attempt for mine. However there is now 40-50+ pures running around with it. I don't think its a good idea to make it discontinued like this as it will encourage them to break the rules (sell the account with fire cape) since its rare now.
I hope you will read this and take appropriate action. My apologies if this wasn't an accident and was intended.
- Not A Mauler AKA James
20-Aug-2015 16:37:33