I see that with beach tokens can be bought with oddments. I was thinking trading in tokens to get oddments. Like Party hat jumper tokens could be traded in for 500 oddments.
I need my blue charms back.
I love this idea, and it would be very simple for Jagex to implement. Every single token in the game should be convertable for oddments. This would provide a "price floor", and ensure that tokens don't become entirely worthless due to tokens being reintroduced over the years.
The beach event has showed us that Jagex sees oddments as a viable currency for purchasing tokens, so why not allow tokens to also be redeem for oddments? I see two major benefits:
1- Allows players who have "regrets" about purchasing or a token to get some oddments back
2- Provides some form of "floor", since oddments do have some value in terms of xp, and cosmetics*
*2 is very important, as it provides an
absolutely necessary
exit for tokens in-game.