Friend said he got his 25 keys by logging in on mobile and another friend said he had to press claim keys button on treasure hunter UI. I haven't gotten any keys from logging into mobile nor do I have any claim button anywhere. Does anyone know?
1). Click the home icon button located in the top left of your screen by the chat.
2). Click the shopping cart icon button on the following display.
3). You should see the Mobile Founders tab in the top left of the display. Click it and select claim - you should have three prizes to collect.
I had one account claim the rewards near release date but haven't been able to on my current account (HCIM, I go through a few).
Any idea if the rewards were IP/Mobile device based or if it's just no longer available (android obv)?
I have seen some posts around saying some were able to get it recently (Aug/Oct 2020)