I used a Prismatic Medium star and gained 14,214 bonus experience in the hunter skill. Then I used a Small Smouldering lamp and gained 11,846 experience in the hunter skill. I no longer have any bonus experience in hunter to be used, even though I should have a total of 8,292 bonus experience in the hunter skill. According to the wiki, (correct me if the wiki is wrong and/or has not been updated) but a smouldering lamp should only convert up to what the lamp would give me without any bonus experience, so therefore based on my level (if the wiki is correct) I would gain a total of 5,922 normal experience, and another 5,922 converted bonus experience for a total of 11,846. Even if the wiki is wrong, and the bonus conversion is would take double the bonus and convert for a 2:1 ratio, it would still leave me with some bonus experience in the hunter skill. I am thoroughly confused as to what has happened, and believe this is not the first time this has happened, curious if there's an explanation of why this happened, whether or not it was intended. Have a couple screen shots as well if needed.
31-May-2020 07:14:56