I don't really see the problem. I gave one look at the Cinder Core when it got released and instantly knew it was trash.
You spend time, money or at least in some way effort to gain bonus xp. Why on earth would you want to use an item that burns it 2.5x faster? The only ever possible reason I could find is if you have more bonus xp than your set goal requires, that way Cinder Core would get you to your goal faster, but you still pay the bonus exp price to do so. Essentially, the Cinder Core saves time but nothing else. And in a lot of cases, it doesn't even really do that either.
It's such a stupid item imo and should be removed entirely. Pulse Cores are way, way better, because they act a lot like Cinder Cores in that they increase XP rates, but do so in a much more valuable way while also providing an additional 2% (base, up to 10%) xp rate when consumed.
Let's look at some numbers:
For this example, assume DXP is on, because that's usually where people spam cores. Also assume that you have bonus exp stored, obviously.
Assume an example XP pop of 1500 (500 base and 1000 as bonus exp)
Add a Cinder Core to that. It sets your bonus xp burn rate to 250%, meaning your
saved up
bonus exp will be used 2.5x faster than normal. So instead of the above 1500 pop, you would get 2250 (500 base and 1750 as bonus exp) but you will have used up 1250 instead of 500 of your saved up bonus exp.
Add a Pulse Core to that instead. It sets your total exp gain to 150%, which is multiplicative on your entire XP gain. This means your XP pop would go up to 2250 as well. (500 base and 1750 bonus exp) However, in this case you've only used 750 of your saved up bonus exp to get this XP pop. Then there's the small 10% base exp buff to add as well. Which translates to only 75 on the whole in this case, which isn't much but it's there, so a total of 2325 xp would be gained with it up. For this reason, Pulse cores are amazing value at DXP events.
Be the change you would like to see in the world.
02-Dec-2019 10:49:19
- Last edited on
02-Dec-2019 11:07:24