^ that takes too long and requires other useless skills like firemaking
TI trains a combat stat like def or attack etc.
I have 120 summ, hp, slayer.
There are HCIM with HP pures. There are HCIM with summ pures. So my account isn't a game breaker. Ya can do it on a HCIM. As far as I'm aware, there are no HCIM with HP+Summ. But, the HP and Summ pures I've seen have loads of other useless stats, hunter and all that. And the HCIM HP pures I've seen have apparently spent years and years creating their accounts. HP pure is hard to train on HCIM. Summ just requires hunter. HP requires years and years at home alone quest.
This account took like 18hrs logged in game to get 120 summ hp slayer.
I'm waiting for archeology.
Hopefully I don't need any other stats like mining for summoning demons. Idc if ya need mining to train archeology - I can wait 6 months for the embargo to finish and train with TH. I just want the demons.
I'm not completely sure jagex will allow me to summon demons. Binding the demons might require magic or invention or something ridiculous. If demons require invention, I'll probably train invention.
I'll work archeology out on my main and train archeology on here if I can summon demons. Probably slowly at first, get 60 or whatever, and once the embargo is finished probably 120.
Low level stats and cb, 120 summ, hp, slayer, archeology pure, demon summoner.
Dear God, please send the competition, feels like there ain't any.
I long lost count of the victories, there were just far too many.
10-Mar-2020 04:33:24
- Last edited on
10-Mar-2020 04:37:18
Bel Tiamat