I remember when this forum section was actually worth checking out. When was the last time we had a decent TH Promo worth talking about? What caused TH stuff to lose it's luster? The Stuff we get now like shadow gems or the zombie bones one we just got, they're all terrible. We haven't had a decent promo to talk about in Years.
Shadow Gem, Skeletal, Rainbow, and then the thousands of Tokens Flooding this game, it's a huge mess. There are tokens I didn't even know Existed. Yesterday Someone bought me a Zoltan-Plushie token, I did not know such a thing every existed, I never seen one in my entire life and I pay Runescape constantly. The lists are way too big filled with Random Junk that they can't even keep track of them all, just the ones that have the most value.
I don't know when it started going wrong. But I miss the days when people gave a shit about Treasure Hunter.
25-Mar-2019 07:58:16