This idea of a forums that has all the resource for new and old RuneScape Fansites which has Jagex support can look at this forums for resources such as concept art, website development guides (Helpful for newly started fansites), in-game icon images (This is list of links or file to all in-game icon images which needs support from Jagex to work.) and Feedback. Although some can say that we can uses this forums to build this all, I think it would be best idea to have a subforums for Fansites Staff to look at for resources for their fansite and use the current forums we have for general discussion.
As Fansite Owner, Managers, developers and team leads we all have a common goal and that is to build a fansite for the RuneScape Community while working closely with Jagex to build a bigger Community for the game we all love and enjoy. But many things is lacking when it comes to obtaining resources for our Fansite and the bridge for Fansites to Jagex is non transparent and closed off on Jagex end. Most of us as fansite staff go out the way to really respect what we can't and can not have while trying to support our website which is a fansite for RuneScape. Oddly enough most of the fansite staff has to go through a lot of channels in order to get information which should atleast be open to supported fansites.
The connection I wish to see is a stronger fansite community and a better bond between Jagex and Fansites since we both have common interest and built a fansite because of the passion for this game. So to have another subforums which helps us as fansite staff to create a Data base and keep our site as up to date as RuneScape is would be helpful for new and old Fansite. This can also help when it comes to promoting new Content for Jagex which I think some fansites wouldn't mind doing.
12-Mar-2014 21:15:27
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12-Mar-2014 22:05:31
How does this help Fansite Staff:
(Directed to Fansites)
As a Fansite staff you can use this subforums to keep your item image database up to date and as well as gain useful information from other Fansite Staff, which can help you with your Fansite. The over time goal is to help build a one resource subforums which can also help build bonds with other Fansites as we all work together with one Common goal. This does not affect your site, since all Fansites have different designs and Communities within it. This just helps create a shared resource area when it comes to in game icon images, maps and useful web development guides.
How does this help Jagex:
(Directed to Jagex)
Being the developer for RuneScape this creates a better bridge of quick Communication to Fansites which is far more better than emailing all this information. With a simple thread in the Fansite one Resouce forums you can ensure that fansites are up to date with upcoming updates which can help keep the hype up for this update and get more feedback from a large range of Fansite Communities. As a Company you should look toward fansites to help promote new updates or reworked updates and make sure more players are aware of this which helps you gather some information.
What can help fansite better promote new updates or even big updates, is concept art, images or banners of that update which we as fansite can use on our site to help promote it. This can help create hype for the Update and make sure Players are looking forward to the update.
One thing to remember is that putting up images is not really hard to do or effect the work flow within Jagex since it will take only 10 mins to put up a thread about the content or even it can take less than that.
12-Mar-2014 21:15:35
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12-Mar-2014 22:06:22
If fansites was given more information about a update I think most can ensure we keep that information as quiet as possible but have some inseight on how to promote this update and how to tease it more. This will also help us tailer our site to ensure that the updated is promoted at the right time and it can also create talk if each supported fansite was given different images for the updated. This is more best for silver/gold/platinum fansites and as well is Foreign fansites since we all know who they are.
The Future of "Fansite: One Resource" forums:
The future of this forums will help create a closer connection between fansites and Jagex, since it would be helpful for RuneScape Development team to post their images in and as well as the RuneScape Art team. This would also create a closer friendship between fansites since we will all work together to help each other.
Although you can say we have that now, I think it would bring us more closer as a Fansite Community. This will also be strongly helpful for new Fansites when it comes to web development guides for their site, and guides to help them create/pull information from either from the highscores or adventure logs.
12-Mar-2014 21:15:41
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12-Mar-2014 21:18:58
Thank you for helping create this idea, I really hope it does get look at by Infinity, and he submit this information to the people who can approve something like this... But I have my worries and I think if many fansites support something like this I know I will make sure I push this to Jagex attention either through emails or twitter, because we as fansites need this to help better our communities and create a better outlook of RuneScape Fansites and atmosphere
But again... its highly unlikely and I kinda know the answer to this, wish makes me sad and wish I had the opportunity to voice this idea more because it is helpful, and I know Mod Michelle could be of some help with this as well, which also she can set some guidelines.
How does this help Fansite Staff:
(Directed to Fansites)
As a Fansite staff you can use this subforums to keep your item image database up to date
That's highly inefficient. Every single time an item is updated, we would manually have to come here and download the images ourselves, determine which we needed to replace, and upload them to the server.
It would be more efficient to have this with some kind of API, I think that's what he's trying to say.
It all sounds good to me, though it requires some effort on Jagex' end that we're just not getting right now. I'd gladly be hopeful but I don't expect it will happen.
I'd be happy if we could just get the teasers started again.
13-Mar-2014 09:43:44
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13-Mar-2014 09:44:09
It would be more efficient to have this with some kind of API, I think that's what he's trying to say.
Yes, that's exactly what I mean