According to desperate times, Guthix himself tells us he could not maintain balance through action or inaction. He only caused more misery. He did not see himself as the savior of Geilinor so he appointed a mortal, us, to the task. Per Jmods, we are the one creature that is not capable of ascending to any type of god hood. And theres really no reason for us to. We can compete on level with any current god and still dont understand the full depths of our power. Weve only used its offensive capabilities once, against sliske and have been unable to tap back into that since. I agree, Zaros will eventually ascend, but from what Death says in endgame, his ascension wont last long and he will die shortly after.
I have seen the dark universe yawning, where the black planets roll without aim;
Where they roll in their horror unheeded, without knowledge or lustre or name.
28-Jun-2019 00:30:51