Will there ever be another lore corner Q&A where we can get most, if not all of our lore question answered?
I would like to do a lore AMA soon (let's get a quest or two under our belts this year), but a specific lore corner is unlikely. Hopefully, Q&As like this can be done more frequently in the future, too.
As known, the Godless have races all across Gielinor aligned to the faction, is there a certain race yet to join them besides the Mahjarrat?
As far as I am aware, know races include icyene, demon, troll and human. But there are more. I would like to save the identities for future quests.
From the narrative perspective, how common would invention be? Or is it something that is still slowly spreading through the world of Gielinor?
Rare. The player is a pioneer, and few will have expertise in it.
Can we have an official year? As of now, due to kindred spirit it is believed that we are (after Guthix's death) in year 6, ( counting 2013 as year one) Can this be confirmed?
I will be honest that I am unconvinced by the theory that real-time years map to in-game years. I can't give you a real year, sorry.
Are there more Elemental Guardians (Vorago, Telos, Solak) that we have yet to discovered?
I really enjoyed Vorago being aligned with the Godless during an event that required him to, it proved he did not trust the other gods, would there be another moment like this that we can witness? has it ever happened behind the scene?
I have written a Vorago Quest that delves into this, and I would love to see it launch.
Do the Godless have a sort of base of operation that we have yet to see? If so how well fortified is it?
Yes, they do have a HQ, and it is hidden rather than fortified.