Q: Are there any morally “good” Zamorakian Heroes? Can you throw out some names? (Camorra?)
Mod Raven: Good is a very subjective point of view. To the liberated avernics, there are heroes amongst them that they consider good. Kril, for example, is certainly going to think of himself as good and the avernics would agree. There are a few humanoid Zamorakians that likely consider themselves good as well.
Q: Since Elven language is based on Welsh and Zarosian is Latin-based, what language did you used for the Icyenic language?
Mod Raven: Ancient greek is largely the source of our Icyenic language.
Q: Vorago had stated that he regrets not interfering with Armadyl's and Bandos' battle, what reason did he have for not interfering? Also why did he not interfere with Saradomin's and Zamorak's battle?
Mod Raven: At the time he didn't feel that what the gods were doing warranted his intervention. Think of Vorago as a last resort. He considers himself the ultimate weapon in the anima's defence. It wasn't until the last moment, when the weapon was unleashed, that Vorago really understood the immensity of what the gods had done. For Saradomin and Zamorak, their battle was at least mostly contained to a smaller area.
Q: How much is Shatter Worlds tied into the current Lore of the game ?. will there be a update in the future that deals with the worlds that we cleared in Shatter worlds ?.
Mod Chaose: If you haven't spoken to Kenton Decarte in the staging area, that'd be a good place to start. Upon reclaiming the anima from each world and closing the portal the knights are stunting the growth of the abyssal creatures. They are taking preventative measures here, so that another Void Knight vs Pest situation doesn't occur.
Q: Will we ever get to see what a thingummywut looks like?
Mod Chaose: I asked Traiborn. He says it looks a bit like a cross between a thimblebibble, a bramblesmibble and a catwhistlethistle.